Articles by Samantha Bell BSc Cert VNECC RVN

Samantha Bell BSc Cert VNECC RVN
Samantha is a registered veterinary nurse, specialising in emergency and critical care. She is passionate about neurology, working as the specialist neurology nurse at Queens Veterinary School Hospital in Cambridge. Outside of work, Samantha dotes on her pony Maggie and her Romanian rescue dog Eadee. Spending her time outside of the hospital, she enjoys the outdoors with Maggie and snuggles on the sofa with Eadee.
- health
What is Hydrotherapy For Pets?
Discover everything you need to know about this in-water treatment
Discover everything you need to know about this in-water treatment
It doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom...
- behaviour
How Do Dogs and Cats Think?
How can we best understand what’s going on in the minds of our cats and dogs? A neurology specialist veterinary nurse breaks it down
How can we best understand what’s going on in the minds of our cats and dogs? A neurology specialist veterinary nurse breaks it down