holistic vet care
Check out the latest alternative pet care treatments, like massage techniques, herbal remedies, and other not-so-traditional therapies.

Winter brings hidden dangers for pets – find out how to keep them safe
Expert answers on Covid-19 and cats – plus symptoms to watch out for

Can CBD be the calming answer your anxious dog needs? Dive into the latest research and see how it could help
Car sickness isn’t just a human problem – it’s also common in dogs. But what causes it, and how can we help them feel better?

Think Cockapoos are healthier because they’re crossbreeds? Learn what the latest research says

We’re not talking about Dalmatians here – they can have all the spots they like

Mushrooms are great immune-boosters

The mind-gut connection isn’t just for people. Your dog or cat’s gut microbiome plays a big role in their health and well-being

Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting

Your pet can benefit from your self-care practices, from supplements to acupuncture

Communication is key, and pheromones are your cat’s version of DMs

Follow these vet-backed tips to help your furry friend live a healthy and full life

5 Best Cat Probiotics
Is your cat’s microbiome out of whack? It may be time to add probiotics to their diet

Help your dog stay fit and flexible with these stretch techniques by a certified pet strength and conditioning specialist

Watching your pet suffer a seizure can make you feel helpless. We asked three veterinarians to weigh in on natural remedies that show promise

Tips for treating achy joints – from medications to massages

Time for a (literal) gut check from four experts

In fact, it chills them out

A psychologist explains how stimulating scents can influence a dog’s behaviour