Pet Behaviour & Training · Kinship

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Training a dog? Deciphering a cat tail twitch? We’ve got expert tips for even the wackiest of behaviours.

Woman and man petting dog outside

Why Dogs Demand Bum Scratches

When your dog looks back at its bum, you know what to do

basic obedience & training

Learn from the experts and train your pet on basic obedience: toilet training, crate training, even litter training. Plus, how to find a professional trainer.

a group of friends pets a shiba inu dog

Is your dog too friendly with strangers or other dogs? Learn effective strategies to manage and train your overly sociable dog to ensure proper behaviour and safety

a black and white dog on lead sits in a misty graveyard

People are questioning not just if you’re allowed to walk your dog in a graveyard, but whether you should

dog looking up at white woman putting hair up in a mirror

And what you can do inside instead

See More basic obedience & training Articles

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behaviour & body language

Tail wagging? Ear pinning? It all means something. We’ll show you how to understand your pet (and communicate with them) with guides to decode the weirdest body language and behaviour.

woman on a beach in greece petting a stray dog

Before you pet that stray dog on your holiday, find out how to protect yourself and still show compassion

XL bully puppy

The UK’s XL Bully ban has led to a tragic rise in cruelty cases

a dog stand nervously by the water on a dock

All dogs love cooling off by splashing about and swimming in water, right? So why does yours... not?

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anxiety & separation anxiety

Learn how to deal with separation anxiety (and other forms of pet anxiety) so your pets keep calm when you’re not together.

a dog stand nervously by the water on a dock

All dogs love cooling off by splashing about and swimming in water, right? So why does yours... not?

Small dog lays between woman's legs in the grass.

Four legs up to the ceiling might not seem like a comfy napping position to us but pups seem to love it. How come?

a close up picture of a beagle chewing a chew

Scientists from the Waltham Petcare Institute explain how one simple buy could help your nervous pup feel more comfortable by themselves

See More anxiety & separation anxiety Articles

behavioural issues

Dog barking? Cat scratching? Our experts have tips to help all sorts of behaviour and aggression issues so your pet can earn that “good boy!” (or girl).

XL bully puppy

The UK’s XL Bully ban has led to a tragic rise in cruelty cases

a dog stand nervously by the water on a dock

All dogs love cooling off by splashing about and swimming in water, right? So why does yours... not?

Small dog lays between woman's legs in the grass.

Four legs up to the ceiling might not seem like a comfy napping position to us but pups seem to love it. How come?

See More behavioural issues Articles