From classic turkey to all the trimmings – can cats join in on the Christmas feast?
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Dry or wet? Fresh or tinned? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.
From classic turkey to all the trimmings – can cats join in on the Christmas feast?
Hold the stroganoff! Find out whether cats can safely eat mushrooms and the potential risks
Blackberries can be a healthy, tasty treat for your dog – without the worry
Sweet and juicy, with a hint of danger? Find out how to safely share this fruity treat with your pup
As long as it’s not on top of a cake, the answer is yes
It’s the best fruit of the season, after all
It’s a great summer snack for you but can you share raspberries with your cat?
Can you feed your cat nuts? Learn more about the benefits and risks of feeding your kitty human foods
There is nothing more humbling than apologising to a stranger in the park while your dog nibbles on their sausage roll
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
And how to know what kind they need
Whip out the Hawaiian shirt, pineapple is a go for dogs
The charity has seen an influx of marijuana poisoning cases in recent years
It can be hard to resist their powers of persuasion...
Keep those chocolate bunnies far away from your pup this Easter (and always)
Sometimes ‘sharing is caring’ isn’t the best advice
Add them to the list of no-nos in the kitchen...
Are pancakes safe for your pup or should you keep them away from the flipping fun?
They might be nice for us, but not so nice for our pooches...
Learn how to feed your dog just right – no more, no less
The sweet and salty treat is OK – in moderation
Hold the stroganoff! Find out whether cats can safely eat mushrooms and the potential risks
Sweet and juicy, with a hint of danger? Find out how to safely share this fruity treat with your pup
Learn what nutrients are a must for your new little one
As long as it’s not on top of a cake, the answer is yes
It’s the best fruit of the season, after all
It’s a great summer snack for you but can you share raspberries with your cat?
Can you feed your cat nuts? Learn more about the benefits and risks of feeding your kitty human foods
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
And how to know what kind they need
Whip out the Hawaiian shirt, pineapple is a go for dogs
The charity has seen an influx of marijuana poisoning cases in recent years
Eight in-season and vet-recommended fruits and veggies that make for healthy, sustainable snacks for your pet
Go ahead and serve up the superfood – with a couple of caveats
Save the charcuterie board for the humans
Keep those chocolate bunnies far away from your pup this Easter (and always)
How to include your pup in the Easter celebrations (no chocolate allowed)
Sometimes ‘sharing is caring’ isn’t the best advice
Your dog can snack on this fibre-fuelled fruit but don't go all out...
Add them to the list of no-nos in the kitchen...
It’s a classic kitty snack, but don’t go overboard
A warm bowl of rice is your cat’s version of comfort food
The human favourite should be kept far away from kitties
The cat got the cream – but is it good for them?
Yes – pears and your dog can pair together. However, there are a few things to watch out for
Your dog is a fun-gi, but be careful which shrooms they eat
So Fido has been in your chocolate stash... here’s what to do
Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell it, but can we feed it to our cats?
Yes, this crunchy, sweet vegetable is a great addition to your dog’s diet
Yep – bananas are a healthy and delicious treat for your pup
Ham is OK – with a couple of caveats
From kale to quinoa, these nutrient-packed picks deserve a spot in your dog’s food bowl
From turkey to mince pies, Brussels sprouts to parsnips, find out which festive foods it’s safe to sneak your pup from the table
Learn whether your little Bugs Bunny can crunch on the veggie
This is one you’ll want to bookmark
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic ‘yes’, but... not so fast
Peanut butter is widely considered one of dogs’ favourite snacks (and a great bribery tool) – but how much is too much?
In moderation, strawberries are a tasty, healthy treat for your pup
Yep – this fibre-filled fruit is a healthy treat for your dog
Yep! The superfood is a delicious natural remedy for diarrhoea and constipation
Before you invite them to Christmas dinner, here’s what you should know
Add it to the list of healthy human superfoods pups can eat, too.
Indulge your dog (safely) with these delicious and healthy snacks
Hold the avo toast, please
Yes and no. Learn how to safely feed citrus to your pup
Yep, you can share watermelon with your pup – but there are a few safety tips to keep in mind
Bite-size pieces of ripe, red tomatoes are safe – but you should skip tomato sauce
Here’s how to get cracking
Pass the fruit bowl – it’s treat time
Yes, but the fruit might not hold much a-peel
Soon, they’ll be demanding you make this strawberry ice cream recipe on repeat
Yes, this superfood is good for your dog in small amounts
A few kernels won’t hurt, but think twice before doling out a bowl of the stuff
The answer is no, no, no and here’s why
Yes, the summertime staple is on the list of safe foods for cats
It’s safe and healthy, and most dogs love it
They shouldn’t exactly have their paw in the honey jar constantly, but the sweet stuff can be beneficial in some cases
They want to enjoy movie night, too, you know