Henry’s Pocket – The Weird Flap Of Skin On Your Cat’s Ear
Has your cat injured themselves? Are they growing themselves an extra ear? Nope, it’s far more likely you’ve just stumbled across Henry’s Pocket

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Have you ever been lovingly caressing your cat’s adorable head when your fingers have strayed upon something a little ‘off’ on their earopens in a new tab? Right there, on the outer edge, it kind of looks like an extra flap of skin, or even a tear. Has your cat injured themselves? Are they growing themselves an extra ear? Nope, that’s Henry’s Pocket.
What is Henry’s Pocket?
Erm, what now? “Henry’s Pocket, more scientifically called a ‘cutaneous marginal pouch’, is a small flap of skin at the base of the outer edge of a cat's ears,” Dr Bozena Zaleska, lecturer in animal health at Hartpury University tells Kinship. If you follow your cat’s ear from the point at the top, down the outer side, you should find it: an extra flap of skin that creates a kind of pouch or ‘pocket’ on their ear. “It’s also present in other mammals like dogs, bats, Mustela family – like weasels and stouts – as well as others,” says Dr Zaleska.

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opens in a new tabWhy do cats have Henry’s Pocket?
OK so, totally normal then. But, what is it for? Not much, as far as we know. “There is no scientific evidence on what it really does,” explains Dr Zaleska. “But there is speculation that it does increase the range of hearing and amplify the sounds.”
Cats have one of the broadest rangesopens in a new tab of hearing among mammals, on the low end, they can hear about the same level of sound as us but on the other end, they can hear much higher-pitched sounds, up to 85 kHzopens in a new tab (humans can hear up to 20 kHz). Keep that in mind next time they give you a disdainful look for singing Taylor Swift into your hairbrush.
A cat’s outer ear flaps (pinnaopens in a new tab) are shaped to capture sound waves and funnel them through the ear canal to the eardrum. They can also independently point backwards as well as forwards and sideways to pinpoint the source of a sound. It’s been speculated that Henry’s Pocket could help with this movement.
Is Henry’s Pocket dangerous?
Nope! It doesn’t mean your cat’s been fightingopens in a new tab or caught their ear somewhere and it is totally normal. However, Dr Zaleska does warn that because the skin is so thin there is a slightly higher risk that it could get damaged during a fight. It might also be a place where ear mitesopens in a new tab may gather if your cat is afflicted. It’s probably worth paying attention when doing your regular cleanopens in a new tab.
Where did the name Henry’s Pocket come from?
Here’s the kicker: no one knows exactly who Henry is. According to Dr Zaleska: “It’s been suggested that it comes from Joseph Henryopens in a new tab who studied electromagnetism and sound waves, so it might be a nice way to honour him.”
Here’s hoping Joseph Henry found an extra flap of kitty skin a fitting tribute.

Jess Commons
Jess is a writer, editor and former global lifestyle director at Refinery29 with previous stints at ITV, Grazia, The Debrief (RIP) and more. She is a sucker for an older gentleman cat with A Past and spends most of her time being told what to do by her toddler and her three-legged rescue cat, Mac.
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