Cat Behaviour · Kinship

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Cat Behaviour

Deciphering a cat tail twitch? We’ve got expert tips for even the wackiest of behaviors.

a red cat stretching on a bed
behaviour|Why, Cat?!

Your Sleeping Cat Is Twitching So Much They Should Be a Gamer

Why do they do it? A vet on the top three reasons your cat twitches in their sleep – from sweet dreams to scary spasms

basic obedience & training

Learn from the experts and train your pet on basic obedience: toilet training, crate training, even litter training. Plus, how to find a professional trainer.

A woman wearing glasses lying on the floor in front of her Macbook and stroking her cat.

Or are they just ignoring you...

Cat being affectionate towards woman with tattoos

You could solve the mystery that is your kitty

Maine coon cat gnaws spray bottle with water laying on sofa.

And how to really get them to stop jumping on the counter

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behaviour & body language

Tail wagging? Ear pinning? It all means something. We’ll show you how to understand your pet (and communicate with them) with guides to decode the weirdest body language and behaviour.

Scared black cat standing on couch.

They do love to stare at absolutely nothing

Woman petting cat on her desk at home.

They’re trying to tell you something... but what?

cat playing with pikachu toy

What is enrichment and why is it so important to keep your kitty happy?

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anxiety & separation anxiety

Learn how to deal with separation anxiety (and other forms of pet anxiety) so your pets keep calm when you’re not together.

cat playing with pikachu toy

What is enrichment and why is it so important to keep your kitty happy?

Cat being affectionate towards woman with tattoos

You could solve the mystery that is your kitty

woman holding tabby kitten smiles at man holding tabby cat

Whether you have a friendly feline or a senior sourpuss, it’s important to help your cat adjust to a new kitten in the house

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behavioural issues

Dog barking? Cat scratching? Our experts have tips to help all sorts of behaviour and aggression issues so your pet can earn that “good boy!” (or girl).

cat playing with pikachu toy

What is enrichment and why is it so important to keep your kitty happy?

Contrary to popular belief, it might not be a ‘gift’ at all...

Are faeces in your flower beds ruining your garden?

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