They might seem pretty in spring, but make sure your kitty stays clear...
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Casual scratch? Weird paw lick? Seasonal allergies? Fleas? We’ll help you decipher all the pet skin issues.
They might seem pretty in spring, but make sure your kitty stays clear...
Experts say this AI-like breeding trend is susceptible to serious health issues
We’re not talking about Dalmatians here – they can have all the spots they like
Because Head & Shoulders is absolutely not for pet use, here‘s how to clear up that flaky, snowy skin of theirs
Pet parents are being urged to keep their pets indoors during peak pollen times “until September”
Two vets’ pro tips for preventing your cat from picking up ticks (and how to remove them if it’s too late for that)
Just because you can, does it mean you should?
Seasonal allergies can happen to your pet, too. They might just look a little different to yours
Break the cycle before it gets worse... trust us
Your pet can benefit from your self-care practices, from supplements to acupuncture
As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether
Your dog can’t tell you if they don’t feel well, but the cutting edge AI behind this health tracker can
Everything you need to know about cat allergies, according to three veterinary dermatologists
How to prevent an ear infection (and treat one if it’s too late)
Don’t start shopping for cat wigs yet. But if your Persian is looking more like a Sphynx, underlying health conditions could be to blame for your cat’s hair loss
Pimples and spots can be unsightly and painful – here’s how to treat your cat’s acne
Kitty sneezes can be alarming, but they’re not always cause for concern
And why this means adopting a cat from a rescue centre could be a better choice