Cat Lifestyle · Kinship

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Cat Lifestyle

Let’s talk about life as a pet parent. We’ve got travel tips, dating advice, adoption info and so much more.

A grey kitten walks over some tinfoil

TikTok’s Tinfoil Trend Isn’t Funny, It’s Potentially Dangerous For Your Cat

Discover how to safely keep your kitty from counter-surfing

life with pets

Let’s talk about both the little things and big moments in life with pets. Like exercise routines, pet-sitter checklists, pet-safe plants… and how much it all costs.

Is it time for your own Lady and the Tramp moment?

a tortoiseshell cat looks through the window at a siamese cat

All the info you need to make this crucial decision

cat getting bum pats

Turns out they back it up for a reason – here’s the science behind it

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Most Popular

pets & their people

Let’s talk humans. See what celebs have to say about pet parenthood. Find advice on handling your pet’s other people (eg your ex). And get more tips on the people stuff.

Is it time for your own Lady and the Tramp moment?

cat getting bum pats

Turns out they back it up for a reason – here’s the science behind it

ginger and white cat

Your cats provide more than enough laughs with their own paws

See More pets & their people Articles

adoption & fostering

New pet parent (or still thinking about fostering or adopting a pet)? Get all the advice you need: how to find the right pet for you, how to introduce them to other pets and kids, and how to bond with your new family member.

a man and a woman with tattoos huge a red and white dog

“You realise that they can’t do anything without you. They need you. But then you realise you need them just as much”

two men with black hair stroke their cat who is sticking his tongue out

Cats are famous for turning up again weeks, months and even years after they disappear. But why? And how do they do it?

Tabby cat

The charity’s latest figures reveal that cats are increasingly falling victim to deliberate weapon attacks

See More adoption & fostering Articles


Go green with your pet. Read up on eco-friendly pet care trends to help minimise your pet’s carbon pawprint.

Hiker and dog overlooking the top of a mountain

Expert tips to help reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint

Make your own toys, beds, snuffle mats and more and save yourself a bunch of money in the long run

A woman laying on a bed with her dog with green palm wallpaper in the background.

“We have to be good to ourselves the way we want to be good to the planet”

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From pet travel tips to pet-friendly city guides, we’ve got all your flying, hiking, and biking needs covered.

a woman and her dog sit in a camper van door

Think a life on the road means leaving your pet behind? These pet parents disagree...

woman with sunglasses holding her Jack Russell dog as they look out the window

Don’t start packing those treats just yet...

picture of a woman holding a cat while a man puts up a Christmas wreath

It’s the most wonderful time of the year... for you. Your cat feels otherwise

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animal advocacy

Learn about the people making a difference for animals and what you can do to lend a hand, too.

Woman on sofa with laptop and dog cuddling

Pet crime is on the rise, but these vigilantes are on a mission to tackle it

A tan dog sleeping on the couch while a short haired woman rests on her arms on the edge of the couch looking at the dog sadly

As more and more animals come into the care of rescue centres, those who care for them are suffering, too

Man walks with back to camera surrounded by dogs

Houssein Hamze has been feeding the pets of people fleeing the conflict in Lebanon. Now he’s lost his home and vital resources for the cats, dogs and other animals he cares for

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