Can I Use Savlon on my Dog? Experts Weigh In · Kinship

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Can I Use Savlon on my Dog? Experts Weigh In

Uh-oh, your pup’s got a cut. How can you stop it getting infected?

A little white dog gets their leg bandaged up
Liudmyla / Adobe Stock

Are you a Savlon house or a Germolene house? Both antiseptic creams, both used to treat minor bumps, cuts, insect wounds and burns, both never in the right place in your house when you actually need them. Neither of these creams, however, should be a go-to treatment for your dog if they hurt themselves. Savlon is a human medication which means it is not intended for use on animals. Whilst it can be used safely in certain cases, veterinary advice should always be sought first. 

Main Takeaways

  • Savlon is a human antiseptic cream.

  • Whilst Savlon can be used safely in dogs it can be toxic when ingested and can result in allergic reactions.

  • Veterinary advice should always be sought before using human products, and a pet-friendly alternative used where possible.

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What is Savlon?

Savlon is a human antiseptic cream which contains cetrimide and chlorhexidine as its active ingredients.

How Savlon works

Savlon contains both cetrimide and chlorhexidine – antiseptics which kill germs and help to prevent infection. Savlon works by creating an environment which is hostile to bacteria whilst the wound beneath the cream heals. It is only intended for use on minor wounds.

Common uses of Savlon in humans

Savlon is used to prevent skin infections when humans experience minor cuts, grazes and burns as well as insect stings and bites. It is also commonly applied to babies with nappy rash, as well as to sunburns, blisters, blackheads and chapped skin.

Risks of using Savlon on dogs

Dogs are prone to licking at wounds which puts them at high risk of cream ingestion. Savlon can cause symptoms such as nausea and vomiting if eaten.

In certain individuals Savlon may trigger an allergic reaction, such as redness or irritation.

Skin issues can appear mild and benign and it can be tempting to try and manage them at home, however this can delay appropriate veterinary diagnostics and treatment, making the problem much worse than before.

When is it okay to use Savlon on dogs?

If your vet has checked the wound or issue and advised that Savlon would be appropriate to use, then it should be safe to use, however there are some precautions to take. Ensure the wound has been cleaned with warm, clean water and then dried. Take steps to ensure your pet cannot lick at the area. Monitor closely for signs of reaction or worsening of the area. If it doesn’t appear to be improving, it is always sensible to seek further veterinary advice.

Can you use Savlon on dogs in an emergency?

In an emergency, seek veterinary advice without delay – time spent applying creams and ointments could cause life threatening delays. Put pressure on any wounds which are heavily bleeding, cool burns and remove any gross contamination. 

Alternatives to Savlon for dogs

Minor wounds and grazes will often heal well by being kept clean and dry. Human antiseptics should be avoided. If an antiseptic is deemed necessary your vet is best placed to advise which one would be most suitable for your pet’s personal circumstance. Hibiscrub, manuka honey and colloidal silver are often prescribed. 

Bottom line: can you use Savlon on dogs?

Whilst in theory Savlon can be safely used on dogs, it is a medication intended for human use and shouldn’t be used without first seeking veterinary advice. It is important to prevent your pet from licking at it. Warm, clean water works well for many minor injuries and all serious injuries should receive veterinary attention as soon as possible.

Savlon on dogs: frequently asked questions

What should I do if my dog reacts to Savlon?

If the area where Savlon was applied becomes red or inflamed then rinse it thoroughly to remove all traces of the product and do not use it again. Seek immediate veterinary advice if more serious symptoms emerge, such as collapse or difficulty breathing.

Where can I purchase dog-safe antiseptics?

Your vet can advise you on the most appropriate dog-safe antiseptics. These can be purchased from veterinary clinics, reputable online pharmacies and in certain pet shops.

What human creams can I use on my dog?

Human creams should always be used with extreme caution; they are intended for human use only and can have unintended consequences when used inappropriately. Where possible, pet-safe creams should be used. Veterinary advice should always be sought before applying any human cream.

Can I use Dettol on my dog?

Dettol is a strong disinfectant which can be very toxic to your dog, even in small quantities. It should not be used on your pet.

Dr Nina Blackmore, MRCVS, BVSc, PgCertSAECC

Nina Blackmore is a vet who, after leaving the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, took up two very different lives. For four long, chaotic days each fortnight she lives in a tiny house next to a small animal veterinary hospital in Boston, managing hospitalised patients and treating any emergency cases that turn up. As well as emergencies she also has a keen interest in pain management and acupuncture. The rest of her time is spent in a quirky bungalow in Rutland where she and her husband run a self sufficient small holding and a dog home boarding business. She spends her life surrounded by animals and has made it her life goal to help as many as possible. 

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