Valentine's Day Treats For Dogs: What the Experts Are Doing · Kinship

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10 Experts Share Their V-Day Treats For Pups

Scrabbling for ideas to show your pup how much you care this 14 February? Follow the lead of these vets, behaviourists and pet specialists

by Nuala McHugh
13 February 2024
woman with curly brown hair cuddles up to her dog with red heart balloons
AlonaPhoto / iStock

Who’s the top dog in your heart this Valentine’s Day? Sure, you might have a human significant other who you shower with red roses and chocolates on 14 February, but there’s also that other doting partner who has four legs and a big sloppy grin. Unfortunately for them (and you), traditional V-Day gifts won’t cut it: our dogs are likely to chew up any flowers and definitely need to be kept away from the chocolate.

Of course, we don’t want to dismiss our dogs’ love on Valentine’s Day, especially when they love us unconditionally every single day. So, to kickstart the inspiration and ensure our dogs enjoy a special day, we asked a selection of vets, behaviourists and pet specialists what they do for their dogs on Valentine’s Day. After all, they're the experts.

From homemade treats and extra cuddles to adventurous outings, prepare to pamper your pooch and receive extra kisses in return.

Jess Browne, trainer and behaviourist from Future Animal Behaviour

As a dog trainer and behaviourist, I always think about how a dog feels and perceives things. If I were a dog, what would I love for Valentine’s Day?

Firstly, I’d want to spend time with my human! Dogs love being with us so I will be spending some undistracted time stroking, walking or playing a game with my dog. I’d recommend setting some one-on-one time aside with your dog as this will make their day.

Dogs also love doggy behaviours such as licking, chewing, sniffing or digging. It keeps their brain active and helps them to feel calm. Encouraging these behaviours by giving them food puzzle toys or chews will make your dog very happy indeed.

Dr Nina Blackmore, veterinarian 

Whilst I’m not the mushiest vet out there, I promise your dog will love a home-baked liver cake. It’s the smelliest creation on the planet and you will want to use an oven dish you have zero attachments to, but your dog will adore it. You can then play a scent game using the liver cake as the reward.

Zoe Willingham, dog behaviourist from Best Behaviour Dog Training

I’ve bought my dogs some new beds and will be spending the day with them doing training and having a little photo session for my memories of them all. We will probably get them some strawberries as well to add to their dinner.

Dr Alex Crow, veterinarian and senior editor

Those I’m close with know how attached my dog is to me and I am determined to show how much she is loved and appreciated this Valentine's Day. As the quintessential ‘velcro dog’ she always wants to be as close to me as possible – I think this shows how deeply she has bonded with our family over the years.

This Valentine’s, after our evening walk around the neighbourhood, where I know she will stop to sniff everything thoroughly, we'll spend time in the garden playing and letting her run freely. As a Valentine’s treat, I also picked up a special cookie I believe she will love.

Most importantly, I want her to feel extra loved on this day, so I am dedicated to showing her affection. Our relaxing activities together help her understand how much she means to my family and me. Our furry companions certainly deserve to celebrate Valentine's Day, too!

Dr Joey Corrick, veterinarian

One of my favourite things is to see my dog having fun and enjoying life! As a working Cocker Spaniel, the thing that Jess loves the most is getting her nose down and following the trails and tracks of wildlife. 

On special days, I like to create a sniff and search route by dragging a toy around the garden or house and then hiding it. She then follows the trails with the waggiest of tails until she finds her prize.

Jo Sellers, separation anxiety specialist from Pippin Pets Dog Training 

Having my dog makes every day feel like Valentine’s Day! To make it extra special, I will cook her favourite veg (broccoli and sweet potato) as a topper for her breakfast and put it in her best feeder toy.

We will try a new walking place to explore and I’ll set up a treasure hunt as she’s a typical spaniel who loves exploring. Later, she can have a tasty dinner and I will treat myself to a nice dinner, too. In the afternoon, we’ll cuddle and watch a film on the sofa. I may even get out the special snacks – she loves ostrich braids, rabbit ears and chicken feet. In the past, I have baked dog treats, but they didn't turn out so good! 

It’s just me and her so we will make the most of every minute together.

Zoe Clements, dog trainer and walker from Richer Dogs

For Valentine’s Day this year, I’ve made special cards for all the dogs I work with. To make the day even sweeter, I’m baking some healthy ‘pupcakes’ for them to enjoy. Who says humans should have all the treats, right?

I want to support my wider dog community as well as my clients, so I’m offering local dog owners a free guide full of enrichment ideas that they can do every day. After all, our dogs deserve love and fun every single day, not just on Valentine’s.

Dr Daisy May, veterinarian, dog expert and pet care writer

Last Valentine’s Day I wanted to do something extra nice for my dog Max. He makes me so happy and is such good company, so I decided to make the whole day about treating him.

I baked peanut butter dog treats shaped like hearts and he also got a soft new bed and toys. In the evening, we took a mellow walk in the park while the sun went down. It was low-key quality time together that meant a lot.

Max loved all the fuss and was one pleased pup that day.

Dr Sara Ochoa, veterinarian and contributor to Hound Games

Like many pet owners, I like to make Valentine’s Day special for my dog. My Beagle Roxxy is my absolute heart dog – she’s only two but we’ve already made so many wonderful memories together. This year, I got Roxxy a big chewy bone in a cute heart shape, a special V-Day bandana and some tasty treats. 

We’ll spend the evening snuggling on the couch, watching her favourite movies and just soaking up quality time. Roxxy loves attention, so I’ll give her some extra belly rubs and playtime, too. Showing our pups how much we love them is the perfect way to celebrate, in my opinion.

Dr Charlotte Stiles, veterinarian  

Combining fun and excitement into your Valentine’s Day plans with your beloved dog is one of the best ways to make the day extra special.

Put on your furry friend’s Valentine’s Day outfit, like a stylish bowtie or a cute bandana, go for your favourite walk together and get some great pics. Don’t forget to bring some tasty treats. If the weather’s good enough, there’s no better way to enjoy the moment than with a picnic shared in the beautiful scenery of nature.

a smiling woman with brown hair with a white dog

Nuala McHugh

Nuala is a writer with a background in PR. She has worked with brands including Jollyes, Universal Studios, and Amazon. Based in Northern Ireland, she is now doing what she loves most: writing with her clingy cockapoo Bobby by her side. 

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