Most Single Women Would Choose Their Dog Over a Man, New Study Finds
Sorry boys: she already has a Valentine

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It’s Valentine’s week, and love is in the air… at least, if your pup approves. A new study by Burns Pet Nutrition reported on by The Daily Mailopens in a new tab surveyed 2,022 dog parents about their dating preferences and they found that it’s mega important for a new beau to vibe with a pup – as in nearly 60 percent of single women would choose to stick with their dog over their date (ahem, particularly their male date). Sorry straights, but this one is mostly about you.
Men love their pups, too, though their numbers are a little lower; 41 percent of the male respondents would also choose their dog over a potential partner. In other words, about half of all people would rather hang out with their dog than a romantic companion. It makes sense: 50 percent of the survey respondents agree that their dog is a good judge of character.

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opens in a new tabMillennials were the generation that felt most strongly pro-pup – 54 percent of 25 to 34-year-olds and 53 percent of 35 to 44-year-olds would dump someone who was anti-dog.
Disliking pets in general is a huge red flag, too, according to the survey. Seventy-three percent of dog parents said they would not go on a date with someone who doesn’t like pets.
Laura Crotch Harvey, a Nutrition Manager at Burns, is suggesting a solution: a dating app filter that can weed out pet lovers from non–pet lovers. Seventy one percent of 18 to 24-year-old respondents agreed they would like this filter on their preferred dating app. “Some people are dog lovers, some like cats and some prefer no pets at all – I don’t trust those people. But one thing is for sure: if you’re looking for a life-long partner, you want someone who will love your pet as much as you do – or has no desire for a furry companion just like you,” Harvey told The Daily Mail. “The dating world is hard enough as it is, and it seems that someone who doesn’t love pets is clearly something dog owners won’t compromise on – and why should they?”
In the meantime, while we wait for technology to advance, a word of advice to guys trying to find love: make a good first impression with her pup. And don’t make her choose between the two of you… because she’s probably gonna stick with her one true love.

Sio Hornbuckle
Sio Hornbuckle is a writer living in New York City with their cat, Toni Collette.
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