How pet parents keep their cool · Kinship

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Your Training Center

Try these free training programs from our friends at Dogo. For more, check out their website.


New Dog Program

NEW-Calendar Check Icon1 week
NEW-Book Open Icon6 lessons
Training Progress

New pup? No problem. This course will help you handle this very cute but very crazy time. It covers 12 must-have skills in a week, from potty training to getting your dog to actually pay attention.

All lessons

Lesson 1
Hand feeding, Potty training
Lesson 2
Tug, Handling, Vocal cue
6 min
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Lesson 3
Name, Crate I
4 min
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Lesson 4
Name in a circle, Meet & greet
4 min
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Lesson 5
Bite inhibition, Put on a collar
4 min
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Lesson 6
Crate II
2 min
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Dog on leash for article upsell with AAV overlay

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Basic Obedience Program

NEW-Calendar Check Icon1 week
NEW-Book Open Icon6 lessons
Training Progress

Sometimes you’ve gotta go basic. This course will teach your dog to focus on you and listen for cues, all through positive reinforcement. (Time to stock up on treats.) All with 11 new skills in a week.

All lessons

Lesson 1
Vocal cue, Hand feeding
Lesson 2
Name, Sit
4 min
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Lesson 3
2 min
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Lesson 4
Sit II, Name II
4 min
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Lesson 5
Stand, Put on a leash
4 min
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Lesson 6
Down II, Place
4 min
NEW-Lock Icon Unlock After Lesson 5
NEW-Watermark Icon
Woman walking her dog in a park

Dog Walking 101: How Often You Should Walk Your Dog

Your dog may need more exercise than you think, according to three pet experts

Two Golden Retriever puppies playing with a large blue tennis ball outside in the grass

What to Expect At Puppy Socialisation Classes

A dog behaviourist schools us on why puppy classes are more about socialising than getting straight As