Articles by Charles Manning

Charles Manning
Charles Manning is an actor, writer, and fashion/media consultant living in New York City with his two cats, Pumpkin and Bear. Follow him on Instagram @charlesemanningopens in a new tab.
Make this new year a great one for your kitty
Taking “if I fits, I sits” to a whole new level...
- health
Declawing is Illegal in the UK – Here’s Why
A veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke
A veterinarian explains why the inhumane surgery is no joke
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Do Cats Knock Stuff Over?
Your brand new iPhone, antique figurine, full glass of water – they will swat it off the table. A cat behaviourist explains why
Your brand new iPhone, antique figurine, full glass of water – they will swat it off the table. A cat behaviourist explains why
- shopping
Selena Gomez’s Makeup Brand, Rare Beauty, Just Launched Dog Toys
Rare Beauty mascara-shaped plushie, anyone?
Rare Beauty mascara-shaped plushie, anyone?
- shopping
The Maxbone x Bridgerton Dog Collection is Here
With your pup in the sartorial mix, there will be no contest at the next Queen’s Ball
With your pup in the sartorial mix, there will be no contest at the next Queen’s Ball
- lifestyle | Heavy Petting
Should You Kick Your Pet Out of the Room When You Have Sex?
And what to do if you and your partner can’t agree on whether you should have an audience
And what to do if you and your partner can’t agree on whether you should have an audience
The glamorous (non-alcoholic) way to keep your cat hydrated
- shopping
Litter Robot: Will My Cat Use an Automatic Litter Box?
I introduced my cat to an automatic litter box, and let’s just say it went off with... multiple hitches
I introduced my cat to an automatic litter box, and let’s just say it went off with... multiple hitches
- health
Does My Cat *Really* Need to See a Vet?
Cats can be hard to read. Especially when they’re sick. Or… not sick? We asked a veterinarian how to tell
Cats can be hard to read. Especially when they’re sick. Or… not sick? We asked a veterinarian how to tell
- lifestyle
What to Do When You and Your Partner Want Different Kinds of Dogs
Five couples share how they’ve reached a compromise to find the perfect pup for them
Five couples share how they’ve reached a compromise to find the perfect pup for them
- lifestyle
Why Senior Cats Make the Best Roommates
I adopted a couple of seniors because cats, like wine, only get better with age
I adopted a couple of seniors because cats, like wine, only get better with age
- behaviour
Is ‘Orange Cat Behaviour’ Real?
Your TikTok algorithm would like you to think so, but the experts weigh in
Your TikTok algorithm would like you to think so, but the experts weigh in
- behaviour
Does Your Cat Think You’re Their Mum?
You love them like a child, but is the feeling mutual?
You love them like a child, but is the feeling mutual?
How to help your kitty warm up to your SO
- lifestyle
8 Ways to Get a Photo With Your Cat as Good as Taylor Swift’s “Time” Cover
Maybe even better...
Maybe even better...
Cat behaviourist Cristin Tamburo’s got a game plan
- behaviour
The Cat Breed-Behaviour Connection
Which cats are more likely to have stranger danger? Bite the hand that feeds them? Get the zoomies? Scientists studied 5,700 pet cats and discovered some interesting traits
Which cats are more likely to have stranger danger? Bite the hand that feeds them? Get the zoomies? Scientists studied 5,700 pet cats and discovered some interesting traits
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Does My Cat Wake Me Up At the Crack of Dawn?
Here’s what to do when your cat starts pawing at your face before the sun has even come up
Here’s what to do when your cat starts pawing at your face before the sun has even come up
- shopping
Gifts For the Classy Cat People in Your Life
Because there’s nothing they love more than displaying their admiration for all things feline
Because there’s nothing they love more than displaying their admiration for all things feline
- shopping
The Best Christmas Gifts For Dog Parents
Being a dog parent is hard work, so let’s make it a little easier
Being a dog parent is hard work, so let’s make it a little easier
- behaviour
What Your Cat’s Sexy ‘Slow Blink’ Actually Means
Cat behaviourist Cristin Tamburo on how to read cat eyes
Cat behaviourist Cristin Tamburo on how to read cat eyes
- behaviour
How Many Cat Naps Is Too Many?
A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress
A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress
- behaviour
What’s Your Cat’s Love Language?
Five surprising ways cats show affection (and how you can show it back), according to a cat behaviourist
Five surprising ways cats show affection (and how you can show it back), according to a cat behaviourist
Hermès seems to think so
Let’s dispel some silly superstitions
- health
Is My Cat Going Bald?
Don’t start shopping for cat wigs yet. But if your Persian is looking more like a Sphynx, underlying health conditions could be to blame for your cat’s hair loss
Don’t start shopping for cat wigs yet. But if your Persian is looking more like a Sphynx, underlying health conditions could be to blame for your cat’s hair loss
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Do Cats Raise a Paw?
Are they saying “Hi” or trying to high-five? Cat behaviourists decode your pet’s cryptic paw signal
Are they saying “Hi” or trying to high-five? Cat behaviourists decode your pet’s cryptic paw signal
- behaviour
Tail Talk: What Is Your Cat Trying to Tell You?
Cats are enigmas. But their tail movements can reveal a lot about their moods
Cats are enigmas. But their tail movements can reveal a lot about their moods
- shopping
6 High-Tech Toys Your Cat Will Go Wild For
Stoke your little lion’s hunting instinct with these electronic cat toys
Stoke your little lion’s hunting instinct with these electronic cat toys
And will they do anything about it if they do?
- shopping
5 Litter Box Enclosures That Aren’t Total Eyesores
Keep your cat’s litter box out of sight – but easy to clean
Keep your cat’s litter box out of sight – but easy to clean
- shopping
Zara’s Pet Collection Is Giving Montessori Influencer Vibes
For those who love a beige moment
For those who love a beige moment
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Does Your Cat Headbutt You? Curious Cat Behaviour Explained
Apparently, you should take it as a compliment
Apparently, you should take it as a compliment
- shopping
Google Nest Watches Your Pet for You When You’re Gone
Their new favourite karaoke song? ‘Somebody’s Watching Me’.
Their new favourite karaoke song? ‘Somebody’s Watching Me’.
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?
If your cat nibbles on pen caps and power cords, they could be bored...
If your cat nibbles on pen caps and power cords, they could be bored...
- behaviour
10 Signs Your Cat Has Imprinted On You
Feeling like you have a little shadow these days? A cat behaviourist explains why that’s happening
Feeling like you have a little shadow these days? A cat behaviourist explains why that’s happening
- shopping
This Plush Carrot Puzzle Toy Will Satisfy Your Food-Motivated Cat
Finally, something engaging to distract them from real food
Finally, something engaging to distract them from real food
What makes the fabled ‘Hemingway cats’ so special