Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? · Kinship

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How Many Cat Naps Is Too Many?

A very sleepy kitty isn’t usually a problem, but watch out for these signs of medical distress

by Charles Manning
31 October 2023
Curled up tabby cat sleeping on pillows
asadykov / Adobe Stock

Cats love to sleep, amiright? But is it possible for them to sleep too much? Also, why do they always have to wake you up so damn early – howling at the crack of dawn like the house is on fire? Rude! You’d lock them out of the bedroom if it weren’t for the fact that closed doors only seem to make them more agitated. So instead you drag yourself, now begrudgingly awake, out of bed to feed and water them. And as soon as they’re finished eating before you’ve even finished your first cup of coffee, you see them lying down for their first nap of the day. ‘Good lord,’ you think to yourself. ‘This has got to be the laziest cat who has ever lived.’ 

Why do cats sleep so much?

But no, that’s just how cats are, says feline behaviour consultant  Jennifer Van de Kieft. “Cats spend 40 to 50 percent of their day sleeping, usually spaced out in short intervals throughout the day, rather than all at once like we do. It probably has to do with their instinct to hunt and their need to eat often. A cat is designed to hunt an average of 10 mice per day and they need rest in between hunts.” Although most domesticated cats do little to no hunting, the behaviour is still hardwired into them and their sleeping (and eating) habits are affected accordingly. 

So, is there such a thing as too much sleep?

Yes, says Jennifer, though exactly what constitutes ‘too much’ depends on the age and temperament of each individual cat. “An adult cat will sleep roughly nine to 12 hours, but a senior cat may sleep more and a kitten will usually sleep in proportion to the amount of activity they are engaged in.” So, if you’ve got a new kitten and you need a little peace and quiet, make sure you wear that little furball out with lots of play first. 

Play with your cat to avoid oversleeping

Playtime, it’s worth noting, is essential for cats at all stages of life. It keeps them happy and healthy and gives them an outlet for their natural hunting instincts. “Often, cats will oversleep because they are bored,” says Jennifer. So, it’s important that you keep them stimulated with cat toys, games and even another cat or two to keep them company (if they’re into that sort of thing).

Is your cat sleeping more than usual?

Too much sleep can sometimes be a sign of medical distress, so make sure you know what’s normal for your cat. That way, you’ll realise when something is off and can respond quickly and effectively. For example, if you notice that your cat is breathing a lot faster in deep sleep than they normally do, that could indicate a worsening heart murmur, in which case you should consult your vet right away. Other medical conditions that can cause a cat to sleep more include: 

Can you adjust your cat’s sleep schedule?

What you can’t do is train your cat to sleep on the same schedule you do, no matter how much you might want to. Cats are crepuscular creatures, which means they are most active at the beginning and end of the day and tend to lay low the rest of the time – so a cat sleeping all day is pretty normal. If you want to sleep in a bit more in the mornings, make sure you give your cat plenty of attention and exercise right before bed and try moving their end-of-day meal to later in the evening. You also might want to consider an automatic feeder, at least for their first meal of the day. 

It’s also quite difficult to train cats to sleep in a particular spot. “Cats like to change spots,” says Jennifer. “So, the best thing to do is provide options and choices for rest spots and let your cat decide what’s best for them. They generally like warmth, so a heated bed might do the trick. They also tend to like sleeping high-up, so if you’re trying to encourage one into a new bed you’ve bought, place it somewhere off the ground to make it more appealing.” Alternately, if your cat is more of the low-down, hiding-under-the-furniture kind of sleeper, you may want to find them a cave-like bed or blanket that fits the spot they’ve already chosen for themselves and just make it a little bit cosier. 

Or, you know, just leave them to sort themselves out. If there’s one thing cats are great at, it’s turning just about any surface into a bed. As long as your cat is getting at least 10 naps a day, they’re probably doing just fine. 

Frequently asked questions

How much do cats sleep in 24 hours?

Cats spend 40 to 50 percent of their day sleeping. An adult cat will sleep roughly nine to 12 hours.

Do cats need more sleep as they age?

Yes; a senior cat will likely sleep more than an adult or kitten.

How can I make my cat more active?

Playing is a great way to keep your cat active. Keep them stimulated with cat toys and games. They may also appreciate a companion cat.

How do cats sleep when they are sick? 

If your cat is slow to wake up, hides when they sleep or breathes heavily while sleeping, they may be sick. A veterinarian can help determine the cause.

When should I be worried my cat is sleeping too much?

You know your cat best; look out for any changes in behaviour. If your cat’s sleep seems deeper or your cat is sleeping more than usual, you should see a vet. Cats sleeping all day is a bad sign; cats shouldn’t sleep for more than 20 hours a day.

Why do cats need so much sleep?

Cats evolved to sleep throughout the day so they had enough energy to hunt their prey.

Can environmental factors affect a cat’s sleep patterns?

Yes; stress and big changes, such as a new family member or a big move, can impact the amount of sleep your cat gets.


Charles Manning

Charles Manning is an actor, writer, and fashion/media consultant living in New York City with his two cats, Pumpkin and Bear. Follow him on Instagram @charlesemanning.

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