Articles by Karen B. London, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA

Karen B. London, PhD, CAAB, CPDT-KA
Karen B. London, Ph.D., is a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist and Certified Professional Dog Trainer who specializes in working with dogs with serious behavioral issues, including aggression, and has also trained other animals including cats, birds, snakes, and insects. She writes the animal column for the Arizona Daily Sun and is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Northern Arizona University. She is the author of six books about training and behavior, including her most recent, Treat Everyone Like a Dog: How a Dog Trainer’s World View Can Improve Your Lifeopens in a new tab.
- lifestyle
10 Ways to Make Your Dog’s Life Better
Simple resolutions to boost your dog’s happiness, health and well-being all year long
Simple resolutions to boost your dog’s happiness, health and well-being all year long
It's time to reframe the situation
- behaviour
A Tail-Wagging Dog Isn’t Always a Happy Dog
This body language is not as simple as you probably think
This body language is not as simple as you probably think
- health
6 Ways Your Cat Could Tell You They Are in Pain
Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting
Here are all the way your kitty is trying to tell you they’re hurting
- behaviour
Is Your Dog Tricky to Train? Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Feel Guilty
It’s important to remember that dogs are individuals, so training isn’t one-size-fits-all
It’s important to remember that dogs are individuals, so training isn’t one-size-fits-all
- health
10 Tips to Give Your Dog a Blissful Vet Visit
Reduce the stress of vet visits – for you and your pup
Reduce the stress of vet visits – for you and your pup
- behaviour
How to Integrate Training Into Your Puppy’s Daily Life
Here are some tips for fitting training into your action-packed schedule
Here are some tips for fitting training into your action-packed schedule
- behaviour
Three Myths About Playing With Your Dog
Chase? Wrestle? Tug-o-war? Find out which are fair game
Chase? Wrestle? Tug-o-war? Find out which are fair game
- behaviour
There Is More Than One ‘Right’ Way to Socialise Your Puppy
Take it slow. This process should never feel like speed dating
Take it slow. This process should never feel like speed dating
- behaviour
8 Myths About Your Kitten – Busted By a Behaviourist
Forget everything you think you know...
Forget everything you think you know...
- lifestyle
Your Daughter’s Right – You Should Get Her a Dog
A new study found that kids, especially young girls, benefit from having a pup
A new study found that kids, especially young girls, benefit from having a pup
- behaviour
Is That... Stress Your Dog Smells?
A study finds that your pup can tell – er, smell – when you’ve been doom-scrolling
A study finds that your pup can tell – er, smell – when you’ve been doom-scrolling
- behaviour
Daylight Saving Time Confuses Pets, Too
Animal behaviourist Karen London on how ‘springing forward’ causes your dog or cat to lose sleep, too
Animal behaviourist Karen London on how ‘springing forward’ causes your dog or cat to lose sleep, too
Spoiler alert: it’s more than just cute
- behaviour
9 Myths About Your Puppy – Busted By a Behaviourist
The internet has a lot to tell you about your new addition. Here’s what’s actually true
The internet has a lot to tell you about your new addition. Here’s what’s actually true
- behaviour
How Young Dogs Can Benefit From Having an Older Dog Mentor
Having an older, wiser dog around can be a big plus
Having an older, wiser dog around can be a big plus
All the reasons dogs go everywhere we go
- behaviour
Why Your Dog Should Be Your Go-To Stress Buster
You need a break sometimes, and your dog is ready (and willing) to take one with you
You need a break sometimes, and your dog is ready (and willing) to take one with you
- behaviour
Why Do Dogs Sneeze When They Play?
It’s adorable, but there are actual reasons behind the behaviour
It’s adorable, but there are actual reasons behind the behaviour
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
Will My New Dog Ever Love Me?
What to do when you don’t feel the close bond you want
What to do when you don’t feel the close bond you want
- behaviour
Dog Etiquette: How to Train Your Dog to Be the Perfect Guest
Because nobody wants your pup eating the host’s charcuterie platter
Because nobody wants your pup eating the host’s charcuterie platter
And why stress could be to blame
- behaviour
How to Teach Your Dog to Poo in the Snow
Snow days are fun – until your pup needs to do their thing outside
Snow days are fun – until your pup needs to do their thing outside
- behaviour
9 Reasons Why Dogs Put Their Ears Back
Here‘s how your dog’s ears can clue you into how they’re feeling
Here‘s how your dog’s ears can clue you into how they’re feeling
- lifestyle
To Cry Is Human – and Apparently Canine
Time to whip out The Notebook for a doggy movie night
Time to whip out The Notebook for a doggy movie night
- behaviour
Play-Training Can Be Your Solution to Dog Aggression
Behaviour correction, Mary Poppins style: turn a job into a game
Behaviour correction, Mary Poppins style: turn a job into a game
- behaviour
Prey Drive in Dogs: Fact or Fiction?
Is the term ‘prey drive’ correct terminology or meaningless jargon?
Is the term ‘prey drive’ correct terminology or meaningless jargon?
- behaviour
Decoding Your Dog’s Growls
When your dog growls, they’re expressing their emotions. A study found that you’ll probably be able to understand what they’re feeling
When your dog growls, they’re expressing their emotions. A study found that you’ll probably be able to understand what they’re feeling
- behaviour
How to Stop Your Cat From Munching On All of Your Precious Plants
Tips to get your cat to quit eating your greens
Tips to get your cat to quit eating your greens
Four signs your puppy is ready for a nap
- behaviour
How to Get Your Dog to Stop Resource Guarding Their Stuff
If your dog growls when you get near their food or toys, read this right now
If your dog growls when you get near their food or toys, read this right now
- behaviour
5 Running Games to Play With Your Dog
A few minutes – or even a few steps – are all you need to add joy to your dog’s day
A few minutes – or even a few steps – are all you need to add joy to your dog’s day
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
“Help! How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Eating Socks”
How to get your pet to stop chewing on inedibles from clothes to couches
How to get your pet to stop chewing on inedibles from clothes to couches
There is a right and wrong way
- behaviour
How to Stop Your Dog From Biting the Lead
Most dogs love walking, but some love chaos a little bit more
Most dogs love walking, but some love chaos a little bit more
- behaviour
Are Friends and Family Derailing Your Dog’s Training?
What to do when your best-laid training plans are sabotaged
What to do when your best-laid training plans are sabotaged
- behaviour
Why Do Dogs Bark in the Car?
What to do when your dog barks at everything from other cars to people
What to do when your dog barks at everything from other cars to people
How to get your pup and the postie to be friends
- behaviour
How to Keep Your Kitten From Making You the Toy at Playtime
Your cat deserves to play, but you deserve to walk away unscathed
Your cat deserves to play, but you deserve to walk away unscathed
- behaviour
5 Signs You Should Get Your Cat a Cat
Because 8 paws are better than 4 when it comes to pushing stuff off the table
Because 8 paws are better than 4 when it comes to pushing stuff off the table
- behaviour
What’s the Deal, Mouthy Puppies? Why Bite Inhibition Matters
How to teach your pup to play nice
How to teach your pup to play nice
Two words: endless entertainment
There’s no time like the present, according to your pet
- behaviour
5 Ways to Stop Your Puppy From Ripping Up Their Toys
How to teach your dog to enjoy, not destroy, their toys
How to teach your dog to enjoy, not destroy, their toys
Go beyond the basics
- behaviour
What’s Better Than a Tail Wag? A Circle Wag
Also called the ‘propeller wag’ or ‘helicopter tail’, this behaviour is a surefire way to tell that a dog is happy
Also called the ‘propeller wag’ or ‘helicopter tail’, this behaviour is a surefire way to tell that a dog is happy
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
Why Is My Adult Dog Weeing In the House?
How to re-housetrain a dog of any age
How to re-housetrain a dog of any age
- lifestyle
6 Ways to Keep Your Dog Entertained While You’re At Work
Don’t hit pause on your pet’s playtime – these solo activities will help 9–5 fly by for them
Don’t hit pause on your pet’s playtime – these solo activities will help 9–5 fly by for them
- lifestyle
How Deep Is the Love For Our Dogs?
The connection between people and dogs is the stuff of legends
The connection between people and dogs is the stuff of legends
- behaviour
Can Your Shy New Rescue Dog Become a Social Creature?
With patience and positive reinforcement, you can do a lot to make up for lost time with socialisation
With patience and positive reinforcement, you can do a lot to make up for lost time with socialisation
Chewie is the space co-pilot we all need
Who knew this was something to worry about?
- behaviour
After a Fight, Do Dogs Forgive?
Studies have shown why some dogs choose to be friendly after a fight
Studies have shown why some dogs choose to be friendly after a fight
Between actual cats...
- behaviour
Tips to Slow Down a Dog Who Eats Too Fast
Eating fast is more than just unsightly – it’s potentially dangerous
Eating fast is more than just unsightly – it’s potentially dangerous
- lifestyle
Your Relationship With Your Dog Matters. Here’s How You Can Improve It
Animal behaviourist Dr Karen B. London on how to strengthen your pet-parent bond
Animal behaviourist Dr Karen B. London on how to strengthen your pet-parent bond
- behaviour
Your Dog’s Food Aggression Isn’t Cute – Here’s How You Can Work On It
No longer associate feeding time with growling time
No longer associate feeding time with growling time
Surprise: it doesn’t always mean they’re happy
- behaviour
How to Teach Your New Dog Your Name
Your dog might not know your name. Don’t take offence – just play this game
Your dog might not know your name. Don’t take offence – just play this game
- behaviour
‘Piloerection’ Is Not a Dirty Word
Weirdly, this is what it’s called when your dog raises their hackles. And here’s why they do it...
Weirdly, this is what it’s called when your dog raises their hackles. And here’s why they do it...
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
Does Your Dog Think Every Day is Hump Day?
Advice on how to deal with your dog’s humping habit
Advice on how to deal with your dog’s humping habit
And save your skin
- behaviour
The Universal Dog Signal That You’re Never Leaving the Park
Bow down, puppers. It’s time to play
Bow down, puppers. It’s time to play
- behaviour
Does Your Dog Have Juvenile Onset Shyness?
Turns out, the teenage years aren’t just tough for humans – they can be rough on dogs, too
Turns out, the teenage years aren’t just tough for humans – they can be rough on dogs, too
- behaviour
What Are the Effects of Sleeping With Your Dog in Bed?
There are pros and cons of sleeping with your dog – for both of you
There are pros and cons of sleeping with your dog – for both of you
- behaviour
How to Properly Introduce Two Pups
There’s a lot more to it than sniffing each other’s butts
There’s a lot more to it than sniffing each other’s butts
- behaviour
What Are You Smiling At?
There’s a big difference between a dog smiling and showing their teeth
There’s a big difference between a dog smiling and showing their teeth
- lifestyle
What to Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want a Dog
Persuasive strategies to convince your partner they do want a dog
Persuasive strategies to convince your partner they do want a dog
- behaviour
How to Keep Your Dog From Freaking Out When You Have Company
Do these things to help your pup (and your guests) feel chill
Do these things to help your pup (and your guests) feel chill
- behaviour
Playing Tug With Your Dog Is Good Exercise For Both of You
The basics of the tug game and how to trouble-shoot common problems
The basics of the tug game and how to trouble-shoot common problems
They’ll be doing ollies in no time
Double the trouble or double the fun?
Hint: they can’t see
- lifestyle
Making a Move? Here’s How to Help Your Dog Adjust to Your New Home
Your dog hates moving, too. This dog trainer’s tips will make it easier on everyone
Your dog hates moving, too. This dog trainer’s tips will make it easier on everyone
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
“Why Won’t My Dog Walk Outside?”
Dog behaviourist Karen B London’s top tips to help get your parked pet moving
Dog behaviourist Karen B London’s top tips to help get your parked pet moving
- behaviour
Get to the Point: Can Cats Play With Laser-Pointer Toys?
People have strong opinions about this cat toy. Here’s what you need to know
People have strong opinions about this cat toy. Here’s what you need to know
- behaviour | Why, Cat?!
Why Does Your Cat Wake You Up at Night?
You want to sleep, your cat wants to party. Here’s how to deal with it
You want to sleep, your cat wants to party. Here’s how to deal with it
- behaviour
6 Steps to Improve Your Dog’s Recall Training
Teach your pup a perfect recall so you can be sure they will come back, no matter what
Teach your pup a perfect recall so you can be sure they will come back, no matter what
- lifestyle
Where Should Your Dog Sleep At Night-Time?
It’s a personal preference, but here are the pros and cons
It’s a personal preference, but here are the pros and cons
Five ways to warm a skittish dog to you
- behaviour
Singleton Puppy Syndrome: One Puppy Litter
One doesn’t have to be the loneliest number when it comes to your dog
One doesn’t have to be the loneliest number when it comes to your dog
- behaviour
Do Small Dogs Wee More Often?
Research shows that little dogs may feel the need to scent mark more frequently than big dogs
Research shows that little dogs may feel the need to scent mark more frequently than big dogs
- behaviour | Ask a Trainer
“Why Is My Dog Obsessed With Chasing Shadows?”
A fascination with lights and shadows is common in high-energy dogs – but it can develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder if it gets out of hand
A fascination with lights and shadows is common in high-energy dogs – but it can develop into obsessive-compulsive disorder if it gets out of hand
- behaviour
Dog Life Stages: Puppy Adolescence Is Only a Phase
What to expect when your perfect puppy hits that unruly stage
What to expect when your perfect puppy hits that unruly stage
- behaviour
7 Ways to Build Your Cat’s Trust In You
If your cat still approaches you with a figurative arched eyebrow of scepticism, try these tricks to put them at ease
If your cat still approaches you with a figurative arched eyebrow of scepticism, try these tricks to put them at ease
- behaviour
One Is the Loneliest Number: What to Know About ‘Single Kitten Syndrome’
Why adopting two kittens may be easier (and better for them) than adopting one
Why adopting two kittens may be easier (and better for them) than adopting one
- behaviour
The Reasons Behind Dogs’ Love For Belly Rubs
If one hand isn’t stroking a furry dog belly, what are you doing?
If one hand isn’t stroking a furry dog belly, what are you doing?
- behaviour
Here’s How You Can Avoid the Worst: a Dog Bite to the Face
Step one: never put your face close to theirs
Step one: never put your face close to theirs
- behaviour
Is Your Dog Sad?
Or are they just peacefully resting? Behaviourist Karen London explains how to tell the difference
Or are they just peacefully resting? Behaviourist Karen London explains how to tell the difference
- behaviour
Understanding Reactivity and Aggression in Dogs: Two Very Different Things
Apparently even experts have a hard time defining these terms
Apparently even experts have a hard time defining these terms
Set your pup up for success
- behaviour
Don’t Ignore These 9 Behavioural Signs That Your Dog Is in Pain
Animal behaviourist Karen B London breaks down the silent ways your pet is trying to tell you they’re hurting
Animal behaviourist Karen B London breaks down the silent ways your pet is trying to tell you they’re hurting
- behaviour
How to Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Your senior dog might move slower these days, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn new things
Your senior dog might move slower these days, but that doesn’t mean they can’t learn new things
Not counting how fun they are to watch
- behaviour
Noise Sensitivity and Pain in Dogs
Research finds why dogs may suddenly become super-sensitive to sounds
Research finds why dogs may suddenly become super-sensitive to sounds
- behaviour
Dream of High-Fiving Your Cat? Here’s How to Teach a Cat Tricks
It takes some patience (shocker), but it can be done
It takes some patience (shocker), but it can be done
- behaviour
Should Your Cat Sleep With You?
Here are the pros and cons of having a feline sleeping buddy
Here are the pros and cons of having a feline sleeping buddy
- behaviour
Uncovered Secrets: Why Cats Don’t Always Cover Their Poo
And how you can encourage them to cover up after doing their business
And how you can encourage them to cover up after doing their business
Is there a green-eyed monster hiding in that adorable ball of fluff?
- behaviour
Preventing Escape Artists: How to Keep Your Indoor Cat From Running Away
Your kitty’s an explorer. But if you want to keep their expeditions indoors, here‘s how
Your kitty’s an explorer. But if you want to keep their expeditions indoors, here‘s how
- behaviour
Your Cat Doesn’t Have to Hate Their Carrier
A behaviourist’s six surefire steps to training a cat to go in a carrier
A behaviourist’s six surefire steps to training a cat to go in a carrier
- behaviour
7 Ways to Stop Your Dog From Scavenging On Walks
If your dog tries to wolf down literally everything in sight, you need this advice
If your dog tries to wolf down literally everything in sight, you need this advice
Move over, pups. This is a cat’s game, too
And how to change it
- behaviour
Does Your Dog Hate Citrus?
It’s the one food most dogs can't stand. Here’s why – plus, how to use their dislike of citrus to your advantage
It’s the one food most dogs can't stand. Here’s why – plus, how to use their dislike of citrus to your advantage
A viral video gives new meaning to being on the fence
Beyond more puppy love and snuggle time
- behaviour
We Answer the Age-Old Question: Why Do Dogs Howl?
How to help a howling dog turn down the volume (or even hit the off button)
How to help a howling dog turn down the volume (or even hit the off button)
- behaviour
How Do I Stop My Dog From Crying In the Car?
Is there anything more annoying than a dog who won’t stop whining? Here’s what to do about it
Is there anything more annoying than a dog who won’t stop whining? Here’s what to do about it
- behaviour
Why Your Dog Howls When Your Baby Cries
Is your dog showing empathy? Or just plain annoyance?
Is your dog showing empathy? Or just plain annoyance?
Don’t worry, it’s just a phase!
- behaviour
Are Gamer Dogs On the Horizon?
Don’t just assume that your dog’s golden years should be spent quietly relaxing – they could be gaming
Don’t just assume that your dog’s golden years should be spent quietly relaxing – they could be gaming
Trust me, I’m a dog trainer
- behaviour
How to Help an Anxious Dog Conquer Their Fears
Six animal behaviourists share pro tips for boosting the confidence of a fearful dog
Six animal behaviourists share pro tips for boosting the confidence of a fearful dog
- health
A Spoonful of Tuna Helps the Medicine Go Down
Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat
Everything you need to know about the difficult task of medicating a cat
- behaviour
A Step-by-Step Guide On How to Clicker Train Your Cat
This popular training technique isn’t just for dogs. Here’s how you can make it work for your cat
This popular training technique isn’t just for dogs. Here’s how you can make it work for your cat
For some dogs, it’s not as simple as just throwing a ball
- lifestyle
Chemistry Between People and Pets Is Real (It’s Science)
How the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin connects us with our pups
How the ‘love hormone’ oxytocin connects us with our pups
Boundaries, folks. Boundaries