5 Cat Meal Toppers For Picky Eaters
Tips for improving your cat’s appetite with these tasty add-ons

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If you’ve experienced the frustrating process of feeding a picky eater, you know that finding something they’re excited to consume is no easy feat. Fortunately, there are tons of ways to ensure your cat is getting the nutrition that they need without having to spoon-feed them every meal. One of the most convenient ways to do this is by providing them with tasty cat food toppers that create a sense of intrigue towards their food and will, hopefully, whet their appetite enough that they’ll be inspired to finish off their plate.
The best way to boost your cat’s appetite, cover up the unpleasant taste of medicine, and keep them interested in the same food they’ve likely been chowing down on for years, is to give your cat new and interesting meal toppers to refresh their palate. While they certainly aren’t as discerning about their food as humans, cats enjoy having a variety of flavours and textures, which makes trying new things exciting for them.

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opens in a new tabFinding the right meal toppers for your cat
The best way to ensure your cat is getting their fill of their favourite meals is to learn about their preferences early on. “It’s best to introduce cats to multiple kinds of foods when they’re young,” says veterinary nutritionist Dr Lindsey Bullen. “As carnivores, they will develop a preference for flavour and form, and it’s harder to get them to change later in life. So, while I don’t recommend rotational feeding forever, offering them wet food, dry food, chicken and fish when they’re kittens can be helpful in preventing finicky habits in the future.”
Another excellent way to engage your cat’s appetite is to heat their foodopens in a new tab. This is especially true of senior cats who typically don’t enjoy eating food colder than room temperature. “Warming up canned food will release flavors and aromas,” says Dr Bullen. “You can accomplish the same effect with dry food by mixing in a little warm water.”
Fortunately, almost all of these tips for generating new interest in your cat’s diet can be accomplished at home, just by popping your cat’s dinner in the microwave. Other options include chopping up a sardine, using drained water from a can of tuna and shredding a bit of leftover chicken into your cat’s bowl.
Five tasty cat food toppers
If you’re looking for a tasty treat for your kitty that doesn’t involve more time in the kitchen, here’s the scoop on the best cat food toppers to add to your cat’s bowl.
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Avery Felman
Avery is a writer and producer. She has written for numerous publications, including Refinery29, BuzzFeed, and V Magazine. When she’s not at her computer, you can find her reading, practicing her Greek on Duolingo, and delving into the Sex and the City discourse. She lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and their cat, Chicken, who rules with an iron fist.
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