cat wellness
- behaviour
‘Whisker Fatigue’ Could Be The Reason Your Cat Isn’t Eating
It’s not just another way for your cat to exhibit diva-esque tendencies
- lifestyle
Why the ‘Cats With Human Hands’ Trend Isn’t As Funny As It Seems
Your cats provide more than enough laughs with their own paws
- health
Toxic Daffodils: What to Do If Your Cat Eats One
They might seem pretty in spring, but make sure your kitty stays clear...
- behaviour
Are XL Bully Cats Dangerous?
XL Bully cats might appear tough and muscly, but are they actually dangerous?
- behaviour
5 Signs Your Kitten Was Taken From Their Mum Too Young
Was your kitten separated too early? Here are the signs to watch for and how to help them
- behaviour
How To Support Your Cat Emotionally Over the Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year... for you. Your cat feels otherwise
- health
Winter Woes: How to Stop Feline Cystitis This Season
Why winter brings a spike in kitty cystitis cases
- health
Winter Pet Hazards: Keep Your Pets Safe This Season
Winter brings hidden dangers for pets – find out how to keep them safe
- shopping
Cat Christmas Presents That Will Keep Your Kitty Purring Through NYE
What to get the cat who (literally) has everything?
- lifestyle
How to Calculate Your Cat’s *Real* Age In Human Years
Whatever their real age, they’re still your baby
- health
‘XL Bully Cat’ Breed Trend Sparks Outrage As Experts Warn of Severe Health Risks
Experts say this AI-like breeding trend is susceptible to serious health issues
- health
Can Cats Get Covid? What Every Pet Parent Needs to Know
Expert answers on Covid-19 and cats – plus symptoms to watch out for
- nutrition
Can Cats Eat Mushrooms?
Hold the stroganoff! Find out whether cats can safely eat mushrooms and the potential risks
- health
Black Dots On Your Dog Or Cat? Here’s What You Need to Know
We’re not talking about Dalmatians here – they can have all the spots they like
- lifestyle
Viral TikTok Trends Are Cute, But Does Your Pet Enjoy Them?
The real impact of social media trends on your pets’ well-being
- health
Dental Disease in Cats: Signs to Watch Out For & Prevention Tips
Much to their disappointment, taking care of your cat’s teeth is essential
- health
What is Hydrotherapy For Pets?
Discover everything you need to know about this in-water treatment
- health
How to Make Your Cat’s Oral Care as Stress-Free as Possible
Take things slow to figure out what works best for their pearly whites
- health
Health Warning as Pet Parents Urged To Keep Animals Indoors During Peak Pollen Times
Pet parents are being urged to keep their pets indoors during peak pollen times “until September”
- nutrition
5 Cat Meal Toppers For Picky Eaters
Tips for improving your cat’s appetite with these tasty add-ons
- health
Help Your Chonky Pet Lose Weight
Here are some pro tips to help make sure your pet’s weight isn't a problem
- lifestyle
What Are The Different Types Of Pet Insurance?
Everything you need to know about how pet insurance works in the UK
- lifestyle
Pet-Safe Cleaning Products
Because we have to look after the four-legged family members, too
- behaviour
10 Common Cat Myths (That Are Actually False)
Peel back the layers of mystery to discover the truth about our feline friends
- lifestyle
Why Senior Cats Make the Best Roommates
I adopted a couple of seniors because cats, like wine, only get better with age
- health
6 Human Wellness Trends Making Their Way Into the Pet Space
Your pet can benefit from your self-care practices, from supplements to acupuncture
- health
Why Is My Cat Heavy Breathing?
This can happen over time or very suddenly. Either way, it’s important to learn more about this symptom
- behaviour
Why Do Cats’ Eyes Glow in the Dark?
Those glowing orbs are actually a pretty useful result of evolution
- health
10 Longevity Tips From People Whose Pets Have Lived Incredibly Long Lives
Follow these vet-backed tips to help your furry friend live a healthy and full life
- health
A Vet Explains How To Keep Your Pet’s Medical Bills Low This Winter
As a vet working in emergency practice, I often see cases where these bills could be reduced or avoided altogether
- nutrition
How to Get Your Pernickety Cat to Try a New Food
Discover the ways to get your picky eater to expand their culinary horizons
- behaviour
Cats Aren’t Loners, After All
Cat behaviourist Kristiina Wilson on the importance of socialising cats
- shopping
5 Best Cat Probiotics
Is your cat’s microbiome out of whack? It may be time to add probiotics to their diet
- behaviour
Get to the Point: Can Cats Play With Laser-Pointer Toys?
People have strong opinions about this cat toy. Here’s what you need to know