Behaviour & Body Language · Kinship

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behaviour & body language

Tail wagging? Ear pinning? It all means something. We’ll show you how to understand your pet (and communicate with them) with guides to decode the weirdest body language and behaviour.

Picture of close up scared chihuahua in their bed

Rolling on their back doesn’t automatically mean they want belly rubs...

woman on a beach in greece petting a stray dog

Before you pet that stray dog on your holiday, find out how to protect yourself and still show compassion

XL bully puppy

The UK’s XL Bully ban has led to a tragic rise in cruelty cases

a dog stand nervously by the water on a dock

All dogs love cooling off by splashing about and swimming in water, right? So why does yours... not?

Small dog lays between woman's legs in the grass.

Four legs up to the ceiling might not seem like a comfy napping position to us but pups seem to love it. How come?

a close up picture of a beagle chewing a chew

Scientists from the Waltham Petcare Institute explain how one simple buy could help your nervous pup feel more comfortable by themselves

Dog playing with a ball

Got a distracted pup? Discover if it’s ADHD and how to help

Dog playing with orange ball toy at the beach on a sunny day

This body language is not as simple as you probably think

A black and white and brown jack russell lies spread eagled on the beach

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Nope, it’s your dog all stretched out like a frog

Dog hiding under bed

Is your dog scared of every little noise? Here’s how to turn the volume down on their anxiety

a group of friends pets a shiba inu dog

Is your dog too friendly with strangers or other dogs? Learn effective strategies to manage and train your overly sociable dog to ensure proper behaviour and safety

A woman  with cropped grey hair hugs a black dog. They are surrounded by rubble

From the dog that detected a deadly hair treatment to the search and rescue hero from the Turkish earthquake, meet the pups who gave humans a second chance at life

A person walking a dog on a paved road in a park.

Your daily walks together are a special time for both you and your pup. Heres how to lower stresses and find more joy during your daily routine

a woman holding a chihuahua greets a great dane at the door

Can dogs tell the difference between a day, a week or a month?

Dog running on the beach

Think a holiday with your nervous pup is off-limits? You just need to make a few adjustments. Here’s how to have a dreamy trip that you and your anxious dog can enjoy

Gun dog in a field

Different breeds need different things...

Woman hugging her small white dog at home.

An animal behaviourist explains why they do (and don’t) get involved in the game

Golden retriever lying in grass with red eyes

Pet parents are being urged to keep their pets indoors during peak pollen times “until September”

A woman with brown hair sits on a sofa holding a grey cat while her Corgi sits next to her.

How can we best understand what’s going on in the minds of our cats and dogs? A neurology specialist veterinary nurse breaks it down

A dog looking timid in his bed

Tips for comforting your pup during a storm

picture of pit bull with cropped ears and bandages

There's no good reason to ever do this to your dog

A cute brown dog laying on a cushion looking sad or tired.

Blue is a good name for a dog – not a good mood

A woman wearing a knit sweater holding a dog close on the floor of her bedroom.

Train your dog to stay calm when they’re on their own – instead of sad-singing “All By Myself” until you come home.

A kitten and a puppy laying on the floor looking at each other.

There might be a language barrier, but these two animals can still become best buds

Golden retriever walking towards the camera with a pink rope toy in their mouth

It’s more than just an adorable habit… 

person playing tug with dog

Chase? Wrestle? Tug-o-war? Find out which are fair game

Brown, half breed dog sitting on a chair next to his owner, a blonde stylish woman wearing a brown smart suit.

Researchers say dogs actually have a pretty good sense of what we’re thinking